Saturday 7 January 2012

'Thelma and Louis' image analysis

The Characters: The shot shows a woman holding a gun to a mans head. This challenges the typical stereotype of men being in control. This shot shows her standing up for herself which is uncommon in most classic thrillers because the man is normally in charge. The clothes that she wears within this shot shows the change in gender roles because she is dressed in a large coat which would commonly be worn by men. The male character within this scene is holding his figure very tight which shows that he is scared and also shows his loss of power. This links well with the character of Perrier Lapadite in 'Inglorious Basterds (2009)' who is seen to be very compacted with his body language after losing his power to the nazis.

Location: A car park at night, a car park is quite an ordinary place and normally a very dramatic place for this ind of situation. You see that this is a car park within the shot because of the van which is visible behind the male character. The use of a car-park is generic to thrillers because car-parks are very tight claustrophobic locations, we see this used in the opening shot of essex boys With the character of billy sitting in a car in a tight garage. 
Lighting: Non ambient lighting is shown within the shot, this shows that there is no natural light and consequently no help or escape. the brightest item within the miss en scene is in fact the gun being held. This allows the audience to see clearly the most important aspect of the shot is the weapon of violence being held.

Camera angle: a long shot is used to give full perspective of the scene, we see the characters faces very easily and this allows the audience to relate to them and understand the situation clearly. The woman who is seen to be more dominant takes up the majority of the scene. This shows the power she has over the man who is taking up only a small amount of the scene. The mans face portrays that he is calm at the same time as being wary, this leads the audience to thinking that the man has been caught in this situation before and that he is commonly a deviant villain.


  1. Reflecting basic understanding of some aspects of genre. Do avoid generalising, for example you say:

    .... This shot shows her standing up for herself which is uncommon in most classic thrillers because the man is normally in charge..... Which classic thrillers, you must reference other thriller films to illustrate your point.

    Also Louise is wearing a denim jacket not a "large coat"!!!!

    If you watched the clip on youtube "Thelma and Louise" when Louise shoots Harlem you could add another post and strengthen your analysis.

  2. Well done for referencing Essex Boys though the opening sequence is in a garage not a car park there is a comparison. Also car parks and garages indicate masculinity.
